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Off-site educational activities
Soviet Occupations

Read and Give to Someone Else

This is an educational activity about the heroic defence of human rights and freedoms, about the quest for political and social justice and about great but humble people and their deeds, which remind of adventure novels or action films. It reveals much of the history of the Soviet occupation regime in Lithuania and presents the participants of the unarmed resistance: the creators, publishers and distributors of the anti-Soviet underground publication “The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania,” who were fighting with all their might against the manifestations of totalitarian evil and striving to restore Lithuania’s freedom. They are an example for the present generations, educating a conscious and socially responsible civic personality.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER OF THE SERVICES+370 620 20790 edukacija@9fortomuziejus.lt 

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Off-site educational activities
Nazi Occupation

Jewish Culture and Achievements

An educational activity on the culture and traditions of the Jewish people. Participants are introduced to the basic principles of Jewish culture, famous Lithuanian and world Jews and their achievements. The tasks are carried out in groups: participants have to match the photographs of famous Jews with the clues (by guessing or knowing). Each person and achievement is presented in more detail during the discussion of the task results. The contribution of Jews to world literature, science, art, music and other fields is introduced. The activity develops non-stereotypical thinking and tolerance.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER OF THE SERVICES+370 620 20790 edukacija@9fortomuziejus.lt 

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  • For grades 9-12

  • Duration 60 min

  • Off-site service can be ordered

Off-site educational activities
Nazi Occupation

Punishment No Mercy

It is an educational activity on the Holocaust and its perpetrators in Lithuania. Participants learn about the origins of the Holocaust process in Germany and its subsequent development in Lithuania. A role-play game – “the trial” – presents a person’s confession to the extermination of the Jews and a witness’s account. The participants, divided into roles, analyse the reasons why the soldiers of the National Labour Protection Battalion took part in the mass murder of Jews. “The trial” examines the motives of the Holocaust perpetrators and analyses the situation, rather than judges specific individuals. The activity encourages critical thinking, evaluation of historical circumstances and the decisions made in the context of those circumstances, reasoned expression of opinions and the discussion of moral and value choices.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ...

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Off-site educational activities
Nazi Occupation

Save a Life – Save the World

It is an educational activity about the rescue of Jews in Lithuania during World War II. Participants learn about the crimes committed by the Nazis and historical events during the Nazi occupation of the Ninth Fort. The Righteous Among the Nations, brave people who contributed to the rescue of the Jews in spite of the danger they faced, are introduced. Through activities, participants get to know the rescuers in greater detail and identify their motives and personal characteristics that may have influenced their decision to take the risk and save Jews. The activity develops analytical thinking, teaches the recognition of character traits and encourages discussion about morality and values.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER OF THE SERVICES+370 620 20790 edukacija@9fortomuziejus.lt 

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  • For grades 9-12

  • Duration 60 min.

  • Off-site service can be ordered

Off-site educational activities
Soviet Occupations

Exile: To Survive and Tell the Story

An educational activity on the mass deportations of the Lithuanian population during the Soviet occupation regime. Participants will learn about the geography of the places of deportation, the personality types of the exiles, the categories of perpetrators, the reasons for and development of the repressions and the historical realia and important issues of the time. The topic is expanded and enriched by the later fates of the exiles, the reasons for their choice (not) to return, and at the same time, a concept is developed, encouraging the fostering of a still possible relationship with the victims of the repressions carried out by the Soviet occupation regime.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER OF THE SERVICES+370 620 20790 edukacija@9fortomuziejus.lt 

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  • For grades 5–12

  • Duration 60 min.

  • Off-site service can be ordered

  • It can be ordered through the Cultural Education System: at the museum or off-site

Off-site educational activities
Nazi Occupation

Ghetto’s (Un)Childish Stories

It is an educational activity on the crimes committed by the Nazi occupation regime in Lithuania, with a particular focus on the Jewish ghetto phenomenon during World War II. Participants are introduced to the lives of the children who had to live in the ghetto: through activities, they find out what the ghetto’s everyday life, marked by constant scarcity, was like, what prohibitions were in force at the time, what tensions prevailed in the social environment and how poor but bright leisure time was… On the basis of authentic diary excerpts, participants also analyse the various psychological experiences of young people in the ghetto, i.e. the feelings and emotions that were in some way determined by the external forces of life in the ghetto. The activity encourages to learn about the painful experiences of Lithuanian and world history, invites intense moments of empathy and develops logical and analytical thinking, the ability to creatively generate ideas, clear presentation of ideas and cooperation in groups.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – ...

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  • For grades 6–9

  • Duration 60 min.

  • Off-site service can be ordered

  • It can be ordered through the Cultural Education System: at the museum or off-site 

Off-site educational activities
Nazi Occupation

Romany Bacht: The Roma History and Culture

A quiz-type interactive educational activity that introduces participants to the history, customs and traditions of the Roma minority, the painful moments of the past and the realities and issues of today. Questions, answers and exercises reveal the multi-layered and multi-coloured world of the Roma; new knowledge destroys old myths and breaks stereotypes. (Re)discovery of Roma cultural identity fosters tolerance and understanding of the specificities of this national minority. The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER OF THE SERVICES+370 620 20790 edukacija@9fortomuziejus.lt 

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  • For grades 8-12 kl

  • Duration 60 min.

  • Off-site service can be ordered

  • It can be ordered through the Cultural Education System: at the museum or off-site 

Off-site educational activities
Nazi Occupation

The Holocaust: The Process, Perpetrators, Rescuers and Victims

Visiting the authentic spaces of the Ninth Fort, the participants of the educational activity have the opportunity to get acquainted with the museum’s present-day exhibitions and to listen to an informative story prepared by an educator about a complex and multifaceted historical phenomenon, the Holocaust, its development in Europe from the rise of the National-Socialists in Germany (1933) to the end of the Nazi occupation of Lithuania (1944). Perpetrators and rescuers, cruelty and compassion, insiders and outsiders, the murdered and the survivors, the ending which is not always happy and the (un)willingness to tell the story… These and other essential and contextual aspects of the theme are covered during the main task – the discussion.The maximum number of participants is 30 and the minimum is 15.The cost of the educational activity per person is 5 EUR.Minimum order in Kaunas City or Kaunas District – 1 educational activity.Minimum order in other municipalities – 3 educational activities.PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICESPayment is made by bank transfer after the service has been provided. Deferred payment (60 days after the invoice) is subject to the customer’s guarantee letter for payment for the services.MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER OF THE SERVICES+370 620 20790 edukacija@9fortomuziejus.lt 

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  • For grades 9-12

  • Duration 90 min.

  • Off-site service can be ordered

  • It can be ordered through the Cultural Education System: at the museum or off-site