Žemaičių plentas 73, Kaunas | How to arrive?
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Timetable of the Guided Tours at Weekends

Only general organised guided tours take place in Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum at weekends. Pre-booking is not possible: the person who purchased the ticket earlier acquires the priority to participate in the guided tour. The maximum number of participants in a tour is 25 people.A special ticket for a participant of an organised guided tour (11 Eur or with a discount – 6 Eur per person) will allow visitors to visit the museum expositions as well as join thematic or guided tours organized at certain times.TIMETABLE OF THE GUIDED TOURS*In English:12:00 Overview guided tour THE NINTH FORT: FROM FORTIFICATION TO THE MUSEUM (120 min.)In Lithuanian:11:00 Extended thematic guided tour THE DEFENSIVE WALL OF THE NINTH FORT: THE UNDERGROUND (70 min.)13:00 Overview guided tour THE NINTH FORT: FROM FORTIFICATION TO THE MUSEUM (120 min.)14:00 Extended thematic guided tour THE DEFENSIVE WALL OF THE NINTH FORT: THE UNDERGROUND (70 min.)15:00 Extended thematic guided tour THE DEFENSIVE WALL OF THE NINTH FORT: THE UNDERGROUND (70 min.)*Except for the last Sunday of every month

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Transfer of the Museum’s Ticket Office

From August 20, 2024, the ticket office of Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum will be located not in the Ninth Fort, but in the nearby building of the memorial complex, the address of which is Žemaičių pl. 73.After the completion of the first stage of the renovation, a spacious information centre has been set up here, where you will be able to conveniently buy a visitor’s ticket, find out more about the services and choose a book or souvenir.When you arrive to the museum, please follow the information signs to the ticket office.

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Important Information for the Visitors

On the last Sunday of each month all visitors can visit the museum free of charge. Guided tours in English on the last Sunday of the month are not available.  The free tickets must be collected on the day of the visit at the ticket office located at Žemaičių pl. 73.We would like to note that on the last Sunday of the month the exhibition “Bakhmut. The Faces of Genocide 1942 | 2022” will be closed. We invite you to see the exhibitions on other days.

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Opening of the Exhibition “Bakhmut. The Faces of Genocide 1942 | 2022”

This is not history any more. This is today’s reality.For the first time, the exhibition from Ukraine “Bakhmut. The Faces of Genocide 1942 | 2022” is brought to the European Union. The exhibition, organised by the National Historical Memorial Reserve “Babyn Yar,” presents a retrospective of the tragedies of Bakhmut, past and present, and reveals the horrific picture of a genocide with the same face: a totalitarian regime with an ideology of hatred.The exhibition will be on display at Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum (Žemaičių pl. 73, Kaunas) from August 23 to October 29 this year.The exhibition will symbolically open on the eve of Ukraine’s Independence Day on August 23, 2024 (Friday) at 11:00 a.m., also commemorating the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism and the Baltic Way Day.PROGRAMME of the opening event11:00 am. Welcome speech11:20 am. Presentation of the exhibition (with the participation of the exhibition authors)11:40 am. Musical works performed by Viktor Rekalo, cellist of the State Vilnius Quartet (Lithuania) and Kseniia Kosarieva, first violin of the Prime Orchestra (Kharkiv, Ukraine)12:10 pm. Independent visit of the exhibitionThe opening event is free of charge; it will be held in Lithuanian and English.The event is open to the public and will be filmed and ...

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Free Admission to the Museum for Ukrainian Citizens

We invite Ukrainian citizens to visit the expositions of Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum and to participate in our guided tours free of charge. All you need to do is provide an identity document at the ticket office. Registration to the guided tours is available via phone +370 686 26243 or e-mail muziejus@9fortomuziejus.ltRelevant information: www.ltua.lt.Important contacts—Запрошуємо громадян України відвідати експозиції Каунаського музею IX форту та взяти участь в екскурсіях музеєм безкоштовно. Все, що потрібно для цього зробити – пред’явити своє посвідчення особи.Попередній запис на екскурсію проводиться за телефоном +370 686 26243 або ел. поштою muziejus@9fortomuziejus.ltІнформація для громадян України: www.ltua.lt.Важливі контакти—Приглашаем граждан Украины посетить экспозиции Каунасского музея IX форта и принять участие в экскурсиях по музею бесплатно. Всё, что необходимо для этого сделать, это в кассе предъявить свое удостоверение личности.Предварительная запись на экскурсии производится по телефону +370 686 26243  или по эл. почте muziejus@9fortomuziejus.ltАктуальная информация: www.ltua.lt.Важные контакты

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Exhibition “Icons on Ammo Boxes”

February 29 – September 15, 2024The exhibition “Icons on Ammo Boxes” by Ukrainian artists Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klimenko consists of 19 icons from the Pietitus series.In 2014, when Russia’s aggression against Ukraine started, two Ukrainian artists, Sofia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klimenko, conceived a highly original and eloquent artistic project: they started painting icons on ammunition boxes. The artists noticed that the lids and bottoms of the boxes were very similar to the boards on which the icons were painted. This strange coincidence inspired them to start the project. Speaking about the idea, Klimenko said: “The New Testament idea of ‘reforging weapons to ploughs’ was born from the Old Testament motif of getting out of hell (…). However, the exodus from hell could only take place as a victory over death, a victory through death.” The icons created on the parts of the ammunition boxes, like the cross, symbolise the transformation of death into life.The message conveyed by the icons in the exhibition is multi-layered. On the one hand, they are the work of talented Ukrainian artists. The icons combine modernity and tradition, focusing on the work of Byzantine-era icon masters. On the other hand, the story these icons tell ...

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