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Gimimo liudijimas Nr. 65, išduotas Romui Kalantai, gimusiam 1953 m. vasario 22 d. Alytuje. Kauno IX forto muziejaus rinkiniai (KDFM 26442) | Birth certificate No. 65 issued to Romas Kalanta born on February 22, 1953 in Alytus. Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum Collections (KDFM 26442)


Press Collection

The press collection, which began in 1958, contains various types of museum objects: documents, letters, periodicals, books, and other printed materials (maps, posters, leaflets, postcards, etc.). The collection’s museum objects can be divided into several main themes and periods. The realities of Kaunas Hard Labour Prison branch (which operated in Kaunas Ninth Fort in 1924-1940) are recalled by the letters of Janina Čižinauskaitė, which are preserved in the museum. In 2007, they were recognised as a documentary heritage object of national importance and included in the Lithuanian National Register of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. The theme of deportations is most characteristically represented by handmade postcards and the personal belongings of resistance fighter Romas Kalanta (his birth certificate, school notebooks, etc.).

Last page update: 2024-12-18 08:23:44